How do I start? (Defining Your Style & Getting Started)
Ralph Lauren once said:
“Style is very personal. It has nothing to do with fashion. Fashion is over quickly. Style is forever.”
Until you define and embrace your personal style your closet will grow and grow. But you will still have nothing to wear.
The 10 Commandments of Personal Style:
- Basic, not Boring
- Have a well-rounded wardrobe
- Don’t overstuff
- Freedom
- Do it now
- Be authentic
- Have a laundry day
- Keep it classic
- Wear trends in moderation
- Only buy what you love
Take a few minutes to discover YOUR personal Style. The Chic Fashionista has a FABULOUS Fashion Style Quiz:
Now that you know your personal style, it is time to get down to it. This process may take some time – but it is TOTALLY worth it!
- Clear It Out! Take every – yes EVERY – piece of clothing out of your closet (and drawers).
- Purge Baby! Put everything that you don’t love, doesn’t fit (or make you feel fabulous!), needs repair or you haven’t worn in 1 year in a box to sell or donate.
- Do the 50/50. Keep half of your wardrobe: versatile pieces, items you always wear, pieces you love. Toss half of your wardrobe: items you haven’t worn in a year, anything that is uncomfortable, pieces you can’t wear over and over again.
- Try It On. This is a VERY important step! Take the time to try everything on. Does it fit? Does it feel good? Do you love it? Would you buy it again? Is it versatile?
- Find Your Color Palette. What is the most dominant color of your wardrobe? You need three base colors. (Think black, gray, white, navy or tan.) Pick three accent colors. (Like red, purple, green, blue or orange.)
- Create a Photo Board. The easiest place to do this is on Pinterest. Have some fun exploring photos of your interests (travel, food, architecture, hobbies). Pin your favorites and see if a pattern of color develops. You could also flip through magazines and cut out photos that appeal to you and pin them to a corkboard!
- Identify Your “Uniforms”.
Pick your three primary categories:
ACTIVE: gym, on-the-go, etc.
WORK: office, meetings, etc.
DRESSY: formal events, etc.
FUN: nights out, vacations, etc.
LOUNGE: nights in, baking, etc.
DAILY: errands, groceries, etc.
Then decide what to keep based on Fit, Usefulness and Mix & Match-ability.
Make a Master List of things you need by reviewing your Style Board. Get creative and think about dual-purpose clothing and layering pieces. You’ll need about 30-70 pieces for each season – the more pieces that overlap season to season the better.
Pick your clothes like you pick your friends, wisely.