Dayton Parent is where many parents turn to when making their summer plans. Our popular camp & summer program themed issues (March – June) help parents learn about the many opportunities available. We also offer special e-blast campaigns and share information with our 11,000+ social media followers.
As you read through the different options available to you, please feel free to contact us with any questions. Thanks for your interest in working with Dayton Parent!

About Dayton Parent Camp Fair
Camp Fair Sponsor Opportunities
The 2020 Dayton Parent Camp Fair will take place on March 7, 2020 at Town & Country Shopping Center, 300 E. Stroop Rd, Dayton, OH 45429, from 1- 3:30 pm.
If you are interested in being an exhibitor at the event, please fill out the online registration form. If you have any questions about the Summer Program/Camp Fair, please contact Hannah Mohler.
Standard Booth $225
· Includes a table, two chairs, and tablecloth
· Electricity is an extra $50
Supporting Sponsor: $525 (limit 6)
· Includes a table, two chairs, and tablecloth
· Premier Booth Location
· Logo/name on all marketing
· Listed in the Summer Camp Guide Listings in the March/ April & May/June print issue of Dayton Parent
· Includes booth electricity if needed.
Multi-Advertiser E-Blasts
We will be sending multi-advertiser e-blasts out throughout the camp season. The e-blast will be a list of summer and camp programs and will be sent to our 4,000 e-newsletter subscribers. It will also be be an article on the website and a link to the article will be sent out to our 11,000 Facebook followers. The cost to be included in the Blast is $99/per blast or $225 to be included in all three blasts.
Blast Dates: February 24, March 25 and April 28
CLICK HERE to view example multi-advertiser e-blast.
CLICK HERE to view example of online guide.
For more info, contact Brooke Litherland. or Hannah Mohler.
Camp Directory Guide
The Camp Directory Guide runs in the March/April & May/June Issues of the magazine. This includes contact information and a 50 word description on the camp/program. The listing will also be added to the online camp directories.
Cost: $75/per issue or $125 if you select both issues .
*This image is from the Camp Directory Guide in our 2019 March/ April Issue.