5 Steps to a Safer Season
Filled with holidays, traditions, and cozying up in front of a fire, it’s no wonder winter is dubbed the most wonderful time of the year….
Generosity Heals: How You Can Support Your Community
2020 has tried people in ways they likely never imagined. But it has also been filled with a lot of good. People have been able…
When You Might Need a Mammogram Before 40
The American College of Radiology advises that women who have an average risk of developing breast cancer begin screening mammograms at age 40. However, women…
Breaking the ice
The teenage years are full of firsts: first driver’s license, first job, first date—to name a few. And many teens look forward to these rites…
Game Changer
As coaches, parents, and players prepare for the fall sports season, the coronavirus pandemic has been—literally—a game changer. Federal, state, and local governments, health authorities,…
Healthy After-school Activities
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to develop and change, this year “back to school” could mean your kids will return to a traditional classroom, your…
Five Tips for a Smart Summer
The warmth of summer draws people from their houses, prompting outdoor play and time spent under the sun. As you plan for activities in the…
Understanding Anxiety and Depression: Self-care, Motherhood, and When to Seek Help
Anxiety and depression are much more common than many people realize. Worldwide, anxiety affects up to one in 13 adults, and depression is the leading…
Dayton Children’s Kids Express
Dayton Children’s Kids Express is a one-of-a-kind pediatric-focused health care option. It combines the convenience of a retail clinic approach and online scheduling with the…
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention: What Can You Do?
The following article discusses child abuse and neglect prevention and contains information that some readers may find disturbing and/or may cause physiological and/or psychological symptoms….
Dayton Children’s launches hotline for COVID-19
Dayton Children’s Hospital is implementing a new phone hotline in response to COVID-19 and kids. This hotline is now open and available to answer parent’s questions…
How Can We Teach Our Children to Be Healthy?
Healthy lifestyle habits have a direct impact on our overall wellness, as well as the prevention of chronic disease. Lifelong wellness starts at a young…
Top Tips for Safe Sleep
Sleep is crucial for physical health and emotional well-being—and the same is true for your baby. When caring for an infant, setting up a safe…
Most Popular Baby Names for 2019
Last year, PriMED Physicians welcomed over 1500 newborns to our offices. The most popular names for babies seen at PriMed in 2019 were… …
Cold Weather Safety Tips for Kids
Many parents keep their children inside when temperatures start to drop. But there is a winter wonderland of activities available for kids, from sledding to…
How to Stock a Healthy Pantry
Eating healthy begins in the aisle of the grocery store, where you can select items for a healthy pantry. Below are some tips provided by…
Time to take a breather from social media?
Social media is a large part of our culture—from status updates about career changes to sharing albums full of family photos. There’s no doubt something…
Add self-esteem to your child’s school supply list
School is in full-swing, but your child may still feel some daily anxiety. One thing you, as a parent, can do to help them? Promote…
The Facts About Breast Cancer
Of all the diseases women face, few may concern them more than breast cancer. You probably know someone — a loved one, a friend, a neighbor…
New mammogram technology provides better experiences and results
Kettering Breast Evaluation Centers offer the latest in mammogram technology to provide better imaging results and improved patient experiences. Recent studies have shown annual…