Mission Aerospace Is Open at the Cincinnati Museum Center


As a parent, I want my kids to dream big, and know they’re capable of anything they put their minds to. And, I really believe that STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) is where the future lies. So I want to encourage them to keep learning, experiencing, trying and seeing what they like. This summer, we’ll be doing just that at the Cincinnati Museum Center.

Mission Aerospace is open at the Cincinnati Museum Center, and it’s everything I hoped it would be — and more. I have three kids who are super into all things aviation, so I had high hopes for this high-flying exhibit. And it definitely delivered.

Mission Aerospace is a love letter to the sky and all the cool things that fly though it. Kids will learn about the history of rockets and flight, including everything from early airplanes and jet fighters to Mars rovers and space shuttles — in a very interactive and kid-friendly setting.

There’s a 4,000 square foot maze you can explore with your kids, filled with puzzles and information at every turn — and awesome models overhead! It was really fun wandering through the maze, and I can’t wait to bring my 7-year-old, who will definitely enjoy reading all the fun facts. My 3- and 5-year-olds readily recognized a Boeing 747 and Chinook Helicopter “flying” over the maze. There are even sound effects that make it feel like each aircraft is actually flying overhead!

If your kids enjoy constructing paper airplanes, then they’ll love the paper airplane-making area. At this well-stocked station, kids can create and construct a paper plane – then walk over to fly it across the “world!” With these activities in mind, Mission Aerospace is perfect for the 4-12 age group — but definitely accessible for younger preschoolers or older kids who are really into aviation.

But it’s not just airplanes at Mission Aerospace — it’s rockets and space shuttles and NASA. And the station where kids can build – and launch – their own paper rockets is seriously awesome. My kids had a blast (pun intended) putting together their very own rockets, and then shooting their creations into outer space. They could have spent hours at this station.

Mission Aerospace brings these far-flying careers down to earth; being an astronaut or a pilot or an engineer is literally within your kids’ reach. This is everything if you’re a kid: to feel capable and empowered that, truly, you can dream big and aim for the stars. Because flying and space travel — those were once just dreams. Learning about aviation in such a fun and hands-on way will surely inspire the next generation of history-makers.

Mission Aerospace is open now and is free for Cincinnati Museum Center members. For non-members: adults are $10.50, children 3-12 are $8.50, toddlers 1-2 are $5.50 and kids under 1 are free.

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