Kids feel the rhythm at Dayton Music Together

Kids have no shortage of activities and class to choose from outside of school. From gymnastics, karate, dance, swimming, and little league, there are plenty of lessons to choose from. You might not think about music lessons until kids are a little older, but Music Together of South Dayton is offering them in our region and it’s fun for all ages!

I took a free demo class with my kids to see what it’s all about. Our teacher Ms. Christina asked all the kids their names and sang a hello song to each one while strumming along. The kids got to follow her in a finger play imitating the sound of dripping and splashing water and make the “glug, glug, glug” sound while pretending to drink.

We did a call and answer bit where Ms. Christina sang three tones and we repeated her. She explained that it helps kids learn to make different tones and follow instructions.

“The goal of the program is music confidence,” she said to me after class. “Singing in tune and keeping a steady beat is music confidence.”

She explained that all kids have the ability to sing in tune and keep a beat by age 3, and she has seen it in children who stick with the Music Together program from baby to toddler.

Another song got us up on our feet. We – and I do mean we because parents are encouraged to participate with the little ones – we jumped up and down, stomped our feet, tip-toed, wiggled, and chugga-chugged like a train.

Back on the floor, we got some hands-on fun with different instruments.

Ms. Christina passed out jingle-bell shakers for the babies and single xylophone notes and mallets for the older ones. Just like the call and answer singing, she would tap out a pattern and ask the kids to repeat it back. It was a little tricky for my girls, ages 4 and 2.5, but I can see how repeated classes would get them playing in sync.

By far my girls’ favorite part of the class was when Ms. Christina dumped a big pile of instruments in the middle and let the kids get their jam on. Everyone shared shakers, drums, triangles, tambourines and more. My girls love the cymbals and castanets. My son who is almost 1 enjoyed a literal taste of mallets and bells, but I was assured the instruments are well sanitized.

At the end of the class, Ms. Christina dimmed the lights and played a soft tune on the piano. It was a good minute to calm down. We sang a goodbye song with everyone’s name.

Music Together offers classes for mixed ages, babies, generations, and rhythm kids for ages 4 to 8. Classes are held at the Piano Prep School in Beavercreek, McCutcheon Music in Centerville, Fairview BIC Church in Englewood, and Lutheran Church of Our Savior in Oakwood. Check out the website for more information.

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