Visit Scenic Fort Ancient for a Summer Photo Experience

Take a short trip over to Fort Ancient Earthworks and Nature Preserve on September 9, 2017, From 2:00  to 4:00 p.m. for an uplifting and informative afternoon of nature photography. Join photographer and naturalist David Woehr on a late summer stroll through the inspiring natural habitats of Fort Ancient.


Capturing on film the beauty of Mother Nature while learning the do’s and don’ts of outdoor photography make for an exciting learning experience.

Dave Woehr is a life-long nature enthusiast trained as an Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist and has been conducting tours through the human-built Fort Ancient Nature Preserve for many years. He has been supportive of nature programs in Ohio parks on the state, county, and city levels.

Participants will walk the 2,000 year old National Historic Landmark ceremonial site located on a bluff 235 feet above the Little Miami River Valley. In addition to the natural wooded areas, the site comprises mounds, stone pavements, crescent –shaped gateways, and a woodhenge. The opportunities for taking photos of both natural and man-made wonders are limitless. During the summer, there are many things that can catch your attention if you know what to look for.

General site admission applies.

Fort Ancient is located at 6123 St. Rt. 350, Oregonia, Ohio 45054 – 513–932–4421/1–800–283–8904 Fax 513-932-4843. Fort Ancient summer hours are observed from April to November: Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Sunday: noon–5:00 p.m. *Closed Mondays except by appointment. Regular Admission is $7.00 for adults, $6.00 for seniors (60+), $6.00 for students (6–17), children under 6 and members are free. Outdoor admission (no Museum access), $8.00/carload, members are always Free! Visit  for a complete list of programs and directions.

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