Mix It Up With Non-Fiction!

For most, when we think about reading to youngsters, we think about reading fictional picture books. Reading these books to your kids is fantastic and extremely helpful for your child’s development. I would, however, like to suggest adding to that. When your child is only a couple of years old, he is already starting to show interests. He may love trucks, animals, sports, art, or any number of other things. Why not read him factual books on his favorite subjects? Reading a non-fiction book about one of your child’s favorite topics will not only provide him with more information on the subject, but it will undoubtedly introduce him to new vocabulary. In addition, the way the pictures and words work together in non-fiction books helps children to see that the words on the page are represented in the pictures they see. This is a helpful pre-reading skill.

I have a nephew who was obsessed with “minna minnas,” also known as cement mixers, when he was about 2 years old. A book like Cement Mixers, by Dan Osier, would be a great one for kids with a similar interest. It’s written clearly, filled with great information, and has lots of photographs, too. That particular book is also part of a series called Construction Site; so, if your child really likes that book, he’d probably also enjoy others in that series.

If you’d like to start reading non-fiction books to your child but aren’t sure where to begin looking for ones he’ll enjoy, just stop by the library. Our librarians are always ready to help and would love to assist you in finding the perfect book to get started!

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