Improve physical, mental health while participating in the new MetroParks Trails Challenge

Enhance Health with the New MetroParks Trails Challenge
Five Rivers MetroParks’ locations are home to 160 miles of natural surface trails for hiking, cycling, mountain biking and horseback riding. The greater Dayton region is home to more than 340 miles of paved trails — the nation’s largest paved trail network — and 270 miles of river corridor.

The new MetroParks Trails Challenge includes 25 trails that range in mileage and difficulty, providing a variety that allows everyone to participate — including kids. Join the challenge by completing just one trail or complete all 25, in addition to pop up challenges that will be announced throughout the season.

“Because participants explore the trails on their own time and in their own way, it’s easy to practice safe social distancing while participating in the challenge,” said Randy Ryberg, MetroParks outdoor recreation coordinator. “The new MetroParks Trails Challenge is a convenient way to improve your physical and mental health while connecting with nature and enjoying an active lifestyle.”

How to Participate:

  • Download the trails log and fill out the entry form at
  • Complete the trails in any order and at any time, tracking progress on the trails log.
  • Submit the trails log no later than Oct. 4 to be eligible to receive a prize.
  • Optional: To receive emails about pop up challenges and the chance to win additional prizes, register online or sign up for Five Rivers MetroParks’ monthly outdoor recreation email.

How to Win Prizes:

  • Everyone who completes just one trail in the challenge will be entered to win a $100 gift card to a local outdoor gear or bike shop of their choosing. Participants will receive one entry for each trail they complete. Complete all 25 trails and get 25 chances to win.
  • Everyone who completes at least 18 trails will receive a MetroParks Trails Challenge sticker. Also, 100 people completing at least 18 trails will be selected at random to receive a MetroParks Trails Challenge T-shirt.
  • Winners will be notified by e-mail or phone and prizes will be distributed after Oct. 4.

How to Plan Ahead:

  • Some of the trails in the challenge are segments of larger trails, so participants may have to hike, bike or shuttle back to their starting point. Other trails included are loops, starting and ending at the same point.
  • Some of the trails require special gear, such as a mountain bike or kayak, but participants can walk, hike, run or jog 19 of the 25 trails.
  • Participants must use necessary safety equipment, including a helmet and lifejacket, during their adventures.
  • Some park and trail amenities, such as restrooms and water fountains, will be closed this summer to slow the spread of COVID-19.
  • Check the status of trails at MetroParks’ alerts page (, the Miami Conservancy District’s Trail Conditions page and Miami Valley Trails’ alerts page.

“Whether you’ve never been on a trail or have hiked every MetroPark, there’s something for everyone to experience,” Ryberg said. “The trails included in the MetroParks Trails Challenge were selected to give people the opportunity to build their trails experience over time.”

Participants and Five Rivers MetroParks visitors should always follow the CDC’s recommendations, particularly for social distancing and wearing face coverings, while spending time outdoors. For the most current information on MetroParks’ COVID-19 response and related closures, visit and follow Five Rivers MetroParks on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

Celebrating more than 50 years of preserving green space and natural areas, Five Rivers MetroParks is a nationally renowned park system accredited by the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies. Five Rivers MetroParks protects the region’s natural heritage and provides outdoor experiences that inspire a personal connection with nature. Educational programs and recreational opportunities are offered year-round for all ages. To learn more about Five Rivers MetroParks, log onto or call 937-275-PARK (7275).

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