DIY You Are Special Today Plate

As a kid it was always fun to get to use the You Are Special Today plate on our birthday and special occasions. With kids of my own, I knew this was a tradition I wanted to carry on. I decided to experiement and make my own so I could make exactly what I wanted. It was actually pretty easy and very inexpensive.

If you (or your kids) want to make their own plates, all you need is:

1) A cheap porcelain plate ( I got mine at the dollar store).

2) Colored Sharpie markers or porcelain paint markers.

3) An oven.

On a clean, dry plate, color your design with your markers and let it dry completely. Place your plate in the oven and THEN turn it on to 350 degrees. Let it bake for 35-45 minutes and turn oven off. Let piece cool completely in the oven as it will be very hot.

Once cool, remove and hand wash with soap and water.


For best results, do not put the finished item in the dishwasher or wash with an abrasive sponge. Hand wash with soft sponge.

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