We may have had a mild November and December but Winter is not even half way over. With colder temps, delays and snow days- children (and parents!) can get stir crazy quickly. Here is a Top 10 list of things to do to keep the “Mom, I’m bored!” shouts to a minimum.
1. Break out the playdough, cookie cutters, a rolling pin and a $1 table cloth. Let the kids go at it and get creative. Playdough is great for all ages. To take it to the next level, they can create food and play restaurant with a wait staff, chef, and customer.
2. Make snow ice cream! Grab a bowl, fill it with snow, add a pinch of sugar and vanilla and then a splash of milk and eat.
3. Have a puzzle day. Pull as many out as you can and time the kids to see how long it takes them to complete.
4. Pick a theme and let them build with Legos. Superhero, Princess, School, Shopping, City, etc. and see what they come up with. They can make a whole town!
5. Have a chef cookoff. Give each of the kids the same ingredients and see what they can make. You be the judge.
6. Bring the snow inside! Fill a tub and let them put their snow suits on and get in. This way- you get to stay warm and they get their fun.
7. Crafts galore. Grab yarn, popsicle sticks, googly eyes, paper bags, markers, glue, tape and crayons. Put them on the kitchen table and let their imagination go wild. They can make puppets and put on a puppet show.
8. Learn or teach the children how to sew. Watch youtube videos if you need to and you all can learn. Maybe start with a pillow or something simple.
9. Organize photos. Let the kids help you by sorting them out by years and then they can even help you fill up photo books if you actually have them printed and not just all on your phone. If they are still on your phone- develop them!
10. Have a cleaning contest. Write down all the things that need to be completed and make them small tasks. On each slip of paper write out a task and fold them up. Put them in a hat and let the kids pull their task. Once completed with all of them you can have a reward.
The long days of winter can be brutal at times here in Ohio but they can also be beautiful. Enjoy every moment you have with your children and make these snow days fun for the whole family or at least whoever is lucky to be with them on snow days.