This kitchen table fort is so great because it is so easy to make and is just so much fun for the kids to play with. It also will probably bring back your own childhood memories. You might just find yourself inside the fort playing with them!
To Begin:
Gather an extra large quilt that you no longer need. One that lays flat over the table and comes down to the floor on all four sides is best. Otherwise, use what you have but you may have to cut and sew for it to fit.
Once your quilt is in place over the table you can cut a slit in the front for a door. Sew ribbon to the quilt so you can tie each side of the slit up to create an open doorway.
Then cut out windows. You can get creative and sew on curtains, awnings, mailboxes, etc.
Throw some blankets, toys, and snacks in there and let your kids entertain themselves for hours!
Have fun!