Remember the holiday decorations at grandma’s house? The old ornaments and holiday decor that filled the house with warmth and cheer? Antique Christmas at the Taft Museum is basically everything you remember from your grandparents’ house — and more!
Antique Christmas is the Taft’s annual display of antique ornaments, decorations and toys from ages past. Antique Christmas actually changes from year to year, based on what families and institutions lend their displays to the museum. This year’s exhibit features “Pop-Up Fun at Christmas,” “A German Christmas” and “Christmas at the Dime Store” (a recreation of the enchanting gifts and decorations you’d find at a neighborhood store, way back when), just to name a few.
While Antique Christmas is an ever-changing display, you can count on a variety of Santas, Nutcrackers and retro toys. Kids will love exploring the different exhibits and pointing out their favorite things.
Museums can be daunting for parents of young kids — but this particular exhibit is very family friendly. This year’s Antique Christmas has plenty of toys to keep kids engaged: a jack-in-the-box display, a vintage Lionel toy train set and antique dolls. Kids will especially get a kick out of the old-fashioned dolls and Santa figurines!
As you walk in, have your kids say cheese in front of the large Christmas tree in the lobby, or one of the decked-to-the-nines trees in the exhibit. Beautiful photo opps abound!
Antique Christmas is good, old-fashioned holiday fun. Kids will get a kick out of all the old decor, parents will get a hefty dose of nostalgia, and your whole family will feel all warm-and-fuzzy with holiday spirit after browsing these charming displays.
Antique Christmas runs through January 7, 2018 at the Taft Museum of Art. Museum hours for December are Tuesday through Friday, 11 am-4 pm and Saturday and Sunday, 11 am-5 pm. The Taft is closed Mondays, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Admission is $12 for adults, $10 for kids ages 6-18 and free for kids 5 and under. Admission (and parking!) to the Taft Museum of Art is always free on Sunday!