When Cancer Hits Home

Suzanne Booher was standing in Toys R Us on February 9, 2012 with her seemingly healthy 9 year-old son when she got the news. Caulin recently had his swollen tonsils and adenoids removed; the doctor was calling to tell her the pathology lab had found some malignancies on the tissue. “Pack a bag,” he said….

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Truly Thankful

Last year, I nearly spent my second Thanksgiving Day in the hospital. At the age of fifty two I went into full cardiac arrest ten days before Thanksgiving. I died temporarily, but God had other plans for me and I made a miraculous recovery. I was fortunate to be released from the hospital on Thanksgiving…

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Scholarship program has helped hundreds of Ohioans: Is your teen next?

Each year, more than 900 deserving golf caddies from across the country attend college on the Chick Evans Scholarship. Supported by the Western Golf Association, the privately funded program provides full tuition and housing scholarships to leading universities across the country, including Miami University and Ohio State University. The requirements to earn the Evans Scholarship are straightforward:…

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Trophy Case?

As a life long fan of the Cincinnati Bengals, I don’t like the Pittsburgh Steelers very much. They are rivals to the Bengals, so I automatically dislike them! A few weeks ago a player from the Steelers did something unusual that got my attention. The player, James Harrison asked his sons to return trophies they…

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